The IFIP AGORA Initiative
> AGORA in 2010
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Technical Committee 3 Education
- Aims and scope
- Members
WG 3.1 Secondary
- Aims and scope
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- Website
WG 3.2 Higher
- Aims and scope
- Members
- Website
WG 3.3 Research
- Aims and scope
- Members
- Website
WG 3.4 Professional
- Aims and scope
- Members
- Website
WG 3.5 Primary
- Aims and scope
- Members
- Website
WG 3.6 Distance
- Aims and scope
- Members
- Website
WG 3.7 Managment
- Aims and scope
- Members
- Website
SIG 3.9 Special Interest Group Digital Literacy
- Aims and Scope
- Members
WG 3.8 Lifelong Learning
- Aims and scope
- Members
.Memberships of TC3 Working Groups
- Documentation on Memberships of TC3 Working Groups
TC3 Strategy Plan
- First page of this document
TC3 Five Year Action Plan
- First page of this document
The IFIP AGORA Initiative
- A dynamic Agenda for AGORA
- The IFIP Agora initiative
AGORA in 2006
- First Planning Meeting for stakeholders and experts
- Digital solidarity (crossing the digital divide)
- an IFIP 2.0 as demonstration within IFIP
AGORA in 2007
Seoul 2.0 Model : A learning organisation for lifelong learners
- 2007 Seminar - June 4-5, 2007 Seoul, South-Korea - Call for participation
- 2007 Seminar - June 4-5, 2007 Seoul, South-Korea - Provisional Programme
- 2007 Seminar - June 4-5, 2007 Seoul, South-Korea - Questionnaire
- Input from the participants before and during the Seminar
- Some material for the Working Groups activities
- Presentations during the AGORA Seminar
- Outputs from the IFIP AGORA Seminar
- IFIP AGORA Initiative on LifeLong Learning : Some Projects
- Results of the IFIP AGORA Initiative on Lifelong Learning 2007 Seminar-June 4-5, 2007 Seoul, South-Korea
Addis-Ababa 2.0 Model : How to build lifelong learning environments ?
- Briefing
- Introduction for the seminar
- Why should Education change ?
- Developmental Approach
- Design of LifeLong Learning Environments
- Presentation of the Addis-Ababa 2.0 Model
- Presentation of Agora-LifeLong Learning during WITFOR’2007
- Pilot Project : National Computer societies - the role of TCs in the IFIP
AGORA Report at IFIP GA’07
- AGORA report for IFIP General Assembly
- AGORA presentation to IFIP General Assembly
- Seoul 2.0 Model : A learning organisation for lifelong learners
AGORA in 2008
- Report and presentation at GA’2008 in Milano about AGORA activities in 2008
- A very good news : on 11th of September 2008 ANDIL project was accepted by Unesco !
2008 Seminar - May 4-6, Krakow - Poland ==> KRAKOW 2.0 model : IMPLEMENTATION of Agora "Atelier-Studios"
- Invitation to ASLL : Ateliers and studios for Lifelong Learning in a Knowledge Society
- AGORA History
- AGORA Products
- The Program + List of Participants
- Contributions during the Seminar
- Output of the Seminar
2008 July 2nd to 6th Torun (Poland)
- Joint keynote on AGORA for ISSEP and IeW conferences
2008 Open and Working Conferences - July 7-10, Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia
- LYICT 2008 : ICT and Learning in the Net Generation
- AGORA workshop inside LYICT 2008
- Scheldule of LYICT 2008 with activities of the AGORA workshop
- Summary output from AGORA activities in LYICT
2008 Workshop inside WCC’2008 - September 7-10, Milan - Italy
- Learning to live in the knowledge society
AGORA in 2009
2009 Agora Workshop - 2-4 March, New-Delhi - India
- Context and invitation for this workshop
- Programme of the workshop
- Inputs during this workshop
- Output of this Workshop
2009 Agora - Presentation at m-ICTE’2009
- Seoul 2.0 Model : A learning organisation for lifelong learners
2009 Workshop - July 27-31, Bento Goncalves - Brazil
- AGORA inside WCCE’2009
WITFOR’2009 - August 26-28, Hanoi - Vietnam
- Commission EDUCATION
2009 Seminar in Krakow, 28-30 OCTOBER
- General information
- Subject matter and program
- Accomodation
- Co-organizers and sponsors
- For contribution before the conference
- Contributions during the Event
- Output of the conference
Report 2009 at the IFIP General Assembly in Hanoi
- Synthesis of AGORA activities 2009
UNESCO ANDIL Project 2008-2009
- ANDIL activities
AGORA in 2010
Agora Workshop - 1-3 of March 2010 in Sofia
- on a transversal theme : code of conduct vs e-inclusion
Agora Workshop - 28-30 of June 2010 at Amiens, France
- Event during the IFIP Workshop "New developments in ICT and Informatics education", June 28-30, 2010, Université de Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens, France,
Agora Workshop - 19 - 23 of September 2010 in Brisbane, Australia
- Event during the IFIP 50th anniversary and the WCC’2010 in Brisbane - Australia (19th-23rd of September 2010)
16 Agenda of TC3 Events
- EVENTS in 2010
- Towards WCCE’2013
Agora Workshop - 1-3 of March 2010 in Sofia
Agora Workshop - 28-30 of June 2010 at Amiens, France
Agora Workshop - 19 - 23 of September 2010 in Brisbane, Australia
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